• We just upgraded the platform on which this website runs! Please inform @Jaxel of any issues.

Search results

  1. S

    Basic graphical scoreboard

    Hi all, I would like to share with you my version of a basic scoreboard. It looks like this: It uses a PNG file as background image and includes animations for the player names and scores. I have used the following resources to compile this: a) Jaxel's guides...
  2. S

    Use of checkboxes

    Hi Jaxel, I was wondering if you are planning to do some more instructional videos, e.g. on the usage of checkboxes. As an alternative, could you provide some code examples on how to use these? Thanks and BR.
  3. S

    Export / Import of packages and pages

    Hi Jaxel, is there a possibility to export and import whole packages or single pages, including the stuff from "Edit Package", "Edit Page", CSS and JS? This would be nice in order to quickly set up an existing scoreboard. Best.
  4. S

    Future of this project

    Hi there, it seems there hasn't been much activity here in the last months, so I wanted to ask if this project is still actively supported/developed by its creators. Thanks.