Do you use uBlock Origin?
For me, it appears that uBlock Origin is blocking the page, because of the title Publicidad, which translates to "Advertising".
Disable uBlock Origin on this website... we are ad free anyways.
The combined size of your HTML/JS/CSS can be up to 65,535 bytes, per page... that's pretty large. Can you PM me what you tried to input?
I have just increased the limit to 16,777,215 bytes. Let me know of any issues.
The image is processed using PHP's ImageMagick. It's known to have problems with animated GIFs. Try imgur to store your images if absolutely necessary.
I realized that this feature makes it far too easy to skirt the Broadcaster License requirement. Therefore, I have put this feature behind the paywall. You must have a broadcaster license to use this feature now. Sorry.