- Admin
- #1
In one of my tutorial videos, I showed off the scoreboard I had been using since 2018:
Since doing this tutorial video, I have actually created a new scoreboard that I use for my weekly tournaments. That means I am no longer using the 2018 scoreboard that I showed in my tutorials. Because of that, I've decided to release the code I used in my 2018 scoreboards to the public, for free. Keep in mind, that this code is not very clean. I created this scoreboard before this website even existed, so the code is a bit hackey because it was designed for the older (offline) version of Scoreboard Assistant. It also uses a third-party font called "Ubuntu Condensed" that you will have to download to your computer.
Package CSS:
Package JS:
Page HTML:
Page CSS:
Page JS:
And if you're interested in what my 2019 scoreboard looks like:
Since doing this tutorial video, I have actually created a new scoreboard that I use for my weekly tournaments. That means I am no longer using the 2018 scoreboard that I showed in my tutorials. Because of that, I've decided to release the code I used in my 2018 scoreboards to the public, for free. Keep in mind, that this code is not very clean. I created this scoreboard before this website even existed, so the code is a bit hackey because it was designed for the older (offline) version of Scoreboard Assistant. It also uses a third-party font called "Ubuntu Condensed" that you will have to download to your computer.
Package CSS:
--body-width: 1600px;
--border-width: 4px;
--slant-width: 30px;
--flex-height: 50px;
--event-width: 640px;
--game-width: 320px;
--match-width: 240px;
--player-width: 610px;
--score-width: 90px;
--font-family: 'Ubuntu Condensed';
--font-shadow: 1px 1px 0 var(--border-color), 1px -1px 0 var(--border-color),
-1px 1px 0 var(--border-color), -1px -1px 0 var(--border-color),
2px 2px 0 var(--border-color), 2px -2px 0 var(--border-color),
-2px 2px 0 var(--border-color), -2px -2px 0 var(--border-color);
--font-xsmall: 20px;
--font-small: 30px;
--font-medium: 40px;
--font-large: 50px;
--fast-speed: 0.25s;
--slow-speed: 0.50s;
--xslow-speed: 1.00s;
position: relative;
margin: 0 auto;
width: var(--body-width);
color: var(--font-color);
font-family: var(--font-family);
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
.xslow { transition: all var(--xslow-speed) ease-out; }
.slow { transition: all var(--slow-speed) ease-out; }
.fast { transition: all var(--fast-speed) ease-in; }
.colorB { background: var(--border-color); }
.color1 { background: var(--main-color1); }
.color2 { background: var(--main-color2); }
.color3 { background: var(--main-color3); }
.xsmall { font-size: var(--font-xsmall); text-transform: uppercase; }
.small { font-size: var(--font-small); text-transform: uppercase; }
.medium { font-size: var(--font-medium); text-transform: uppercase; }
.large { font-size: var(--font-large); text-transform: uppercase; }
.toprow.hidden { margin-top: calc(0px - var(--flex-height)); }
.toprow > div { border-bottom: var(--border-width) solid var(--border-color); }
.botrow { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; }
.botrow.hidden { margin-bottom: calc(0px - var(--flex-height)); }
.botrow > div { border-top: var(--border-width) solid var(--border-color); }
display: flex;
height: var(--flex-height);
justify-content: center;
min-width: calc(var(--slant-width) + var(--border-width));
position: relative;
.flexitem.hidden { width: 0 !important; }
margin: 0 calc(0px - var(--slant-width));
width: calc(var(--slant-width) + var(--border-width));
.topL { -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, calc(100% - var(--slant-width)) 0%, 100% 100%, var(--slant-width) 100%); }
.topR { -webkit-clip-path: polygon(var(--slant-width) 0%, 100% 0%, calc(100% - var(--slant-width)) 100%, 0% 100%); }
.topC { -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, calc(100% - var(--slant-width)) 100%, var(--slant-width) 100%); }
.botL { -webkit-clip-path: polygon(var(--slant-width) 0%, 100% 0%, calc(100% - var(--slant-width)) 100%, 0% 100%); }
.botR { -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, calc(100% - var(--slant-width)) 0%, 100% 100%, var(--slant-width) 100%); }
.botC { -webkit-clip-path: polygon(var(--slant-width) 0%, calc(100% - var(--slant-width)) 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%); }
tags { color: #999999; }
line-height: calc(var(--flex-height) - var(--border-width));
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
text-shadow: var(--font-shadow);
white-space: nowrap;
text.hidden { opacity: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; }
.xsmall icon { margin-bottom: -4px; height: 22px; width: 22px; }
.small icon { margin-bottom: -5px; height: 32px; width: 32px; }
.medium icon { margin-bottom: -2px; height: 32px; width: 32px; }
.large icon { margin-bottom: -3px; height: 46px; width: 46px; }
icon { display: inline-block; background-position: center; background-size: 100%; }
icon.i8WR { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/icons/8WR.png'); }
icon.iCHL { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/icons/CHL.png'); }
icon.iINS { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/icons/INS.png'); }
icon.iFB { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/icons/FB.png'); }
icon.iSGG { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/icons/SGG.png'); }
icon.iTW { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/icons/TW.png'); }
icon.iTWC { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/icons/TWC.png'); }
icon.iYT { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/icons/YT.png'); }
team.t8WR { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/teams/8WR.png'); }
team.tCLG { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/teams/CLG.png'); }
team.tFOX { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/teams/FOX.png'); }
team.tNRG { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/teams/NRG.png'); }
team.tTSM { background-image: url('http://data.8wr.io/sba/1/teams/TSM.png'); }
Package JS:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function()
var styles = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
inSpeed = String(styles.getPropertyValue('--slow-speed')).trim();
inSpeed = inSpeed.replace('s', '');
inSpeed = inSpeed * 1000;
outSpeed = inSpeed / 2;
function parseText(txt)
if (txt == null || txt == '') { return ''; }
txt = txt.trim();
txt = txt.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">");
txt = txt.replace(/\&/g, "&").replace(/\s/g, " ");
var regex = /\{\{([\w\.]+?)\}\}/g;
var match = regex.exec(txt);
while (match != null)
match[1] = match[1].replace('.', ' ');
txt = txt.replace(match[0], "<icon class=\"i"+match[1]+"\"></icon>");
match = regex.exec(txt);
return txt.trim();
function elemsHide(elem)
return function (next)
$(elem).addClass('fast hidden');
function elemsShow(elem)
return function (next)
$(elem).removeClass('fast hidden');
function elemsUpdate()
return function (next)
for (var prop in newData)
$('#'+prop+' text').html(newData[prop]);
Page HTML:
<div class="flexbox botrow hidden slow">
<div class="flexitem botL colorB divider"></div>
<div class="flexitem botC color2 xsmall game" id="gg">
<text> </text>
<div class="flexitem botR colorB divider"></div>
<div class="flexbox toprow hidden slow">
<div class="flexitem topL colorB divider"></div>
<div class="flexitem topL color3 medium score score1 slow hidden" id="s1">
<text class="slow hidden"> </text>
<div class="flexitem topL colorB divider"></div>
<div class="flexitem topL color2 medium player player1 xslow hidden" id="p1">
<text class="slow hidden"> </text>
<team class="slow hidden"></team>
<div class="flexitem topL colorB divider"></div>
<div class="flexitem topC color1 xsmall round" id="rr">
<text> </text>
<div class="flexitem topR colorB divider"></div>
<div class="flexitem topR color2 medium player player2 xslow hidden" id="p2">
<text class="slow hidden"> </text>
<team class="slow hidden"></team>
<div class="flexitem topR colorB divider"></div>
<div class="flexitem topR color3 medium score score2 slow hidden" id="s2">
<text class="slow hidden"> </text>
<div class="flexitem topR colorB divider"></div>
Page CSS:
min-width: calc(var(--slant-width) * 2);
width: var(--game-width);
min-width: calc(var(--slant-width) * 2);
width: var(--match-width);
.player { width: var(--player-width); }
.player1 { text-align: right; }
.player2 { text-align: left; }
.player text { padding: 0 calc(var(--slant-width) + 10px); }
.score { width: var(--score-width); }
.score text { padding: 0 var(--slant-width); }
.player team
position: absolute;
top: 0;
height: var(--flex-height);
width: 150px;
.player1 team { left: 30px; }
.player2 team { right: 30px; }
Page JS:
var versus_1 = docData['versus_1'].split('||');
versus_2 = docData['versus_2'].split('||');
round_1 = docData['round_1'].split('||');
game_1 = docData['game_1'].split('||');
newData = {
't1': {},
't2': {},
'p1': parseText(versus_1[0]),
'p2': parseText(versus_2[0]),
's1': docData['versus_1s'],
's2': docData['versus_2s'],
'rr': parseText(round_1[1]),
'gg': parseText(game_1[1]),
if (versus_1[1] != undefined)
newData['p1'] = '<tags>' + parseText(versus_1[1]) + '</tags> ' + newData['p1'];
newData['t1'] = parseText(versus_1[1]).split(' ');
if (versus_2[1] != undefined)
newData['p2'] = '<tags>' + parseText(versus_2[1]) + '</tags> ' + newData['p2'];
newData['t2'] = parseText(versus_2[1]).split(' ');
if ($('#gg text').html() != newData['gg'])
.queue(elemsUpdate()).delay(inSpeed * 4)
if ($('#rr text').html() != newData['rr'])
.queue(elemsHide('.score text')).delay(outSpeed)
.queue(elemsHide('.player text')).delay(outSpeed)
.queue(elemsUpdate()).queue(teamsUpdate()).delay(inSpeed * 2)
.queue(elemsShow('.toprow')).delay(inSpeed * 2)
.queue(elemsShow('.player')).delay(inSpeed * 2)
.queue(elemsShow('.player text')).delay(inSpeed)
.queue(elemsShow('.score text')).delay(inSpeed);
else if ($('#p1 text').html() != newData['p1'] || $('#p2 text').html() != newData['p2'])
.queue(elemsHide('.score text')).delay(outSpeed)
.queue(elemsHide('.player text')).delay(outSpeed)
.queue(elemsUpdate()).queue(teamsUpdate()).delay(inSpeed * 2)
.queue(elemsShow('.player')).delay(inSpeed * 2)
.queue(elemsShow('.player text')).delay(inSpeed)
.queue(elemsShow('.score text')).delay(inSpeed);
else if ($('#s1 text').html() != newData['s1'] || $('#s2 text').html() != newData['s2'])
.queue(elemsHide('.score text')).delay(outSpeed)
.queue(elemsUpdate()).delay(inSpeed * 4)
.queue(elemsShow('.score text')).delay(inSpeed);
function teamsUpdate()
return function (next)
var int1, int2, cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0;
$('#p1 team').removeClass().addClass('t'+newData.t1[0]);
if (newData.t1.length > 1)
int1 = setInterval(function()
cnt1 = (cnt1 >= newData.t1.length-1) ? 0 : (cnt1+1);
$('#p1 team').removeClass().addClass('xslow t'+newData.t1[cnt1]);
}, 15000);
$('#p2 team').removeClass().addClass('t'+newData.t2[0]);
if (newData.t2.length > 1)
int2 = setInterval(function()
cnt2 = (cnt2 >= newData.t2.length-1) ? 0 : (cnt2+1);
$('#p2 team').removeClass().addClass('xslow t'+newData.t2[cnt2]);
}, 15000);
And if you're interested in what my 2019 scoreboard looks like: